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Jubilee Congres 75 years Caritas: "Care Ethics through the Life Span" - Conference - Belgien

Date: 18.10.2007, 08:30h to 19.10.2007, 16:15h
Location: Auditorium Passage 44 Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 44 1000 Brussels Belgium
Keywords: Disability - Ethics committees - Health care system/Health policy - Neuroscience - Disease - Prolongation of life - Medical ethics - Palliative treatment - Nursing ethics - Nurse-patient relationship - Prenatal diagnosis - Psychology
Details: Caritas is celebrating its 75th year of existence in Belgium! Solidarity with the sick, the poor and the excluded is one of its main tasks. The various branches of the Caritas family try to remedy these issues and have developed throughout the years a sizeable network of provisions and services for those in need. Its scope is very wide: ranging from healthcare and welfare to voluntary work and solidarity in Belgium and abroad. However, what is constant in the efforts is the attention and considerate care for hurt and vulnerable people. It is no coincidence that this subject runs as a continuous thread through the two-day conference we are organising as part of the jubilee year. Every human being depends on the care of others at various moments in his/her life. For most of us, this is temporary, such as the care we need when growing up, or when recovering from illness, as well as the care required when we reach old age. For others, care is a constant aspect of their lives, such as for those with a disability or chronic needs. In short, in each society there are people who need care and others who provide it. As such, care can be considered as an essential characteristic of being human. It includes all actions people take and need to improve their lives and to make it more human. It is an essential element of human life, an answer to vulnerability. As a reaction against the social tendency to consider care as a phenomenon in the margins of live ? the illusion of the independent, carefree life ? care has gained increasingly more attention in Western philosophy during the past decades. This also resulted in a lot of attention to the meaning of care in ethical thinking. This is how care ethics came into being, an ethical perspective that departs from care as an ethical value. For care to function in ethics, it is necessary to find the exact meaning of care. What is ethically justified care? This Caritas conference aims to search for the ethical meaning of care as it occurs in the various phases of human life when vulnerability comes to the fore. We will concentrate on care for the unborn life, for the aged, for people with disabilities, for the psychologically vulnerable and for the terminally ill. We will examine the threats related to dependence (such as loneliness, lack of respect, loss of identity, self-confidence and dignity) in order to deal with the issues in an appropriate manner. Thus, we will develop and offer suitable benchmarks for a true and just care-society.
Organizer: Caritas Catholica Vlaanderen vzw
Contact: Address:
Caritas Catholica Vlaanderen vzw Rue Guimard 1 1040 Brussels Belgium
Tel: +32 - (0)2 - 5 07 01 11
Fax: +32 - (0)2 - 5 12 01 18
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